
Friday, March 28, 2014

What Is Going On With The Weather?

Ahh, mud season.  That time of year when it is too warm to go skiing and too wet to play outside.  For the most part that is.  Right when the grass starts to dry off and the sun provides substantial heat for outdoor activities, the weather turns sour by dumping an inch or two of slushy snow on the ground.  The only thing I think this is good for is increasing the county's water supply.

I realize it's not quite winter, and not quite spring, but really?  I mean this pictures were taken in basically the same spot not twenty-four hours apart.

Don't get me wrong, I love the snow and all, but aren't the mountains just beautiful when it's sunny?

On a different topic, I bring you some unfortunate news concerning soccer.  And I'm talking about club soccer in case you didn't know.  My team's first game of the season was not good and when I played with the older team a few days ago, I felt as though soccer in general was going from bad to worse.  The first game (my team), we lost 2-0.  However, I guess that was a better result compared to last years game which ended with a score of 7-4 (them).  Nonetheless, the opposing team got three points and we got zero.  (During the season, a win = three points, a loss = zero points, and a tie = one point for each team.  The two teams with the highest number of points move up a division.  The bottom two teams with the least amount of points drop down a division.)  Last year my team was ONE itsy-bitsy point away from advancing to a higher division.  This year, we are hoping to achieve goal of advancing, but who knows what will happen.

The second game (with the older team) was also lost 2-0.  So as you can see, I didn't exactly have a fantastic soccer week.

School wasn't too bad, though.  The beginning of a new quarter is a nice fresh start, but that also means I have to work my but off to create a grade buffer.  I do this to make it easier on me at the end of the quarter.  It is not as impactful if one gets a dreadful 89% on a math final or a low A on a science quiz because my 99% class average only drops to a 97 or 98.  Of course, I never like to see my grades drop, but my goal is to maintain a 4.0 GPA for as long as I can throughout high school.

Lastly, as promised, I depart with an update on the science fair: I did not win, but I wasn't expecting to, so I'm not breaking down in tears or anything.  Good news is there were some classmates of mine who got third place with their projects!  Congratulations Meredith, Evie, and Cali!

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