
Friday, March 7, 2014


This past week was the week of Mardi Gras or "Fat Tuesday."  It was followed by Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the catholic season of lent.  My church hosted a pancake supper to symbolize the big feast before a long period of fasting. The youth group was put in charge of taking orders and actually cooking.  There was about five to seven of us flipping flapjacks, serving guests and we even had a person calling out BINGO.  At the beginning, there were a few minor problems like having the two skillets short-circut the power outlet so we had to move them to a different area.  After a hectic twenty minutes, we finally got the hang of things.  Plus, a couple more kids showed up to help out.  One of them was my friend, Molly (feel free to check her blog out).  Although the turnout of people wasn't quite as good as last year, but it was still fun.

On a different note, I'm back in Vegas again, this time for a soccer tournament with my team.  The drive down was soooooo long, which was weird because usually I don't mind road trips too much.  It was just my dad and I when we left after school on Thursday.  We stopped only once at Chili's for dinner and to get gas.  Surprisingly, at the gas station, we ran into four of my teammates.  What a coincidence!  During the last hour or so of the drive, I was so tired that I couldn't keep myself awake and kept drifting in and out of sleep.  It was very disorienting when I would wake up to a bunch of neon lights or unfamiliar buildings.  Finally we arrived at the hotel, and what do you know, we say hi to another two teammates.  My dad I watched a TV show in the room and went to bed.  Friday would be a big day.

Image courtesy of We Hear It

Stay tuned for the results of the tournament in next week's post!

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh I'm so excited for you guys! Have fun in Vegas and tell everyone I say hello and good luck!

    Go get 'em!
