
Friday, March 14, 2014

Las Vegas, We Meet Again...

As promised, this post discloses the results of the Las Vegas soccer tournament my team went to last weekend.  Well, really it was more of a showcase because we only played three games (and there were no semi-finals and final).  There were also some college coaches too.  Come to think of it, I remember seeing a Westminster College car in the parking lot and my dad thought he saw a Westminster person at one of our games. . . .

Sorry, I was getting a little distracted there. ;)

Anyway, the tournament was super fun and the weather was great.  I woke up Friday morning and when I looked outside, the trees were blowing like crazy.  I almost thought our afternoon game was going to be cold!  However, when I stepped out of the car, I sure felt the wind, but it was warm!  I was so used to feeling the cold cill of mountain weather, that the cozy breeze surprised me.

Unfortunately, we lost the first game.  Even though it was our first game in months, it still didn't feel good.  It wasn't my best performance, probably because of all the nerves.  Good news is that we won the other two games.  Yay!  Here is a nice, easy-to-read version of the results:

1st game: lost 1-0
2nd game: won 4-0
3rd game: won 5-1

There was another bad thing that happened.  My friend Emily injured her wrist during the last five minutes of the first game.  It wasn't a major injury, but it prevented her from playing the rest of the tournament. :(  She's doing better now, but has a brace on.  It's always hard when there is an injured player because they contribute so much to the team.  I hope she feels better soon, because we need her!

Just to put a grin on your face:
Image courtesy of Bleacher Report
Image courtesy fo Bleacher Report

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