
Friday, March 28, 2014

What Is Going On With The Weather?

Ahh, mud season.  That time of year when it is too warm to go skiing and too wet to play outside.  For the most part that is.  Right when the grass starts to dry off and the sun provides substantial heat for outdoor activities, the weather turns sour by dumping an inch or two of slushy snow on the ground.  The only thing I think this is good for is increasing the county's water supply.

I realize it's not quite winter, and not quite spring, but really?  I mean this pictures were taken in basically the same spot not twenty-four hours apart.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

My Recent Reading List

Lately, I have finally been able to get some fun reading in.  Since winter break, I have finished not one, not two, but THREE books, none of which were required by school.  Oh, and did I mention that the combined number of pages happened to be somewhere around 1,200?!  I take this to be a huge accomplishment because "fun" reading can only really take place after I read my Honors English novel, my AP Human Geography textbook, and occasionally my Honors Bio textbook.  The point is, my fun reading has gone way down this year, which is really unfortunate for me.  Well, here are the three AWESOME books.  I don't know if the sci-fi/fantasy genre is your type, but I would at least take more than a glimpse at them, because you would be really missing out on some great adventures.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Las Vegas, We Meet Again...

As promised, this post discloses the results of the Las Vegas soccer tournament my team went to last weekend.  Well, really it was more of a showcase because we only played three games (and there were no semi-finals and final).  There were also some college coaches too.  Come to think of it, I remember seeing a Westminster College car in the parking lot and my dad thought he saw a Westminster person at one of our games. . . .

Sorry, I was getting a little distracted there. ;)

Monday, March 10, 2014


Joe was an average Joe who always took time to enjoy a nice, steaming cup of Joe.  He couldn’t bear the thought of (in his opinion) letting one of life’s simple pleasures go to waste.  One of Joe’s favorite places was a quaint coffee shop located a few blocks away from his job.  Joe was also a realist who strongly rebuked theoretical visionaries and avoided creating rapport with quixotic groups whose ideas bore striking differences to his own.  As one can see, Joe truly was an ordinary guy.

Or was he?

There was one strange anomaly that refuted Joe’s normality. For a few weeks every summer, Joe went to live in his bare, unadorned cabin in a sparsely inhabited part of Canada.  It was even rumored that he spent much of his time weaving baskets, whittling wood and whispering to the local bears . . . .

© 2014 Jessica

Friday, March 7, 2014


This past week was the week of Mardi Gras or "Fat Tuesday."  It was followed by Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the catholic season of lent.  My church hosted a pancake supper to symbolize the big feast before a long period of fasting. The youth group was put in charge of taking orders and actually cooking.  There was about five to seven of us flipping flapjacks, serving guests and we even had a person calling out BINGO.  At the beginning, there were a few minor problems like having the two skillets short-circut the power outlet so we had to move them to a different area.  After a hectic twenty minutes, we finally got the hang of things.  Plus, a couple more kids showed up to help out.  One of them was my friend, Molly (feel free to check her blog out).  Although the turnout of people wasn't quite as good as last year, but it was still fun.