
Friday, April 11, 2014

So...You Should Check Out These Blogs! (Plus a Soccer Update)

I wanted to introduce you all to some new blogs, but I wanted to be creative about it.  Then I got this brilliant idea to incorporate a wonderful website called Wordle that creates what the website has dubbed  “word clouds” using any words one types into the "create" section.  Feel free to try it, as it is free and pretty cool.  To use Wordle in my blog post about other blogs, I made a "word cloud" based on each blog's "tags" or "labels."  This adds a pop of color and some visual interest to an otherwise relatively monotone post.


Audrey's Blog, Anything You Can Imagine is Real

This blog is super creative and artistic (as the title tends to imply).  Just about everyone is amazed by this girl's talent when it comes to visual arts.  Her blog is filled with computer drawn images that retell all kinds of stories, whether it's a sassy vice principal, blogging rivals, or a "how to" guide on getting through a day of school.  She also occasionally posts pictures of other artwork such as paintings which just blow my mind with their beauty and realism.

Julia's Blog, Just Sayin'

This blog is also awkward and funny.  It will make you smile.  However, it is more organized and well structured than the previous blog.  Instead of being "artistically awkward," it is definitely a "nerdy awkward" type of blog.  I think one can really get a sense for this blog by the Wordle I created above.  I think Julia has a very eloquent way with her writing; one of my favorite blog post titles I have ever read comes from her blog "That awkward moment when you walk through the metal detectors at the airport and your abs of steel set them off."  I mean, you just can't resist clicking on it read more.  Oh, and by the way, I believe "PBSD" stands for "Post Book Stress Disorder" and "PBMD" is an acronym for "Post Book Movie Disorder" in case you were wondering.  Apparently, books just have that effect on certain people (I may or may not know the feeling). ;)

Molly's Blog, The MAGIC

Lastly, there is Molly.  Her blog, The MAGIC is one of a kind.  The MAGIC stands for Thoughtfulness, Happiness, Entertainment, Music, Amigos, Gah, Inspiration, Comedy.  The title is pretty self explanatory in that the blog is fun, crazy and random.  I don't have much else to say other than that… :)

Alright, now for a little update on soccer!  Hmm, about that...I guess the way to put this simply is...we haven't been doing very all.  I once posted about having a "rocky start" in the pre-season of high school soccer, but that was pre-season and in club soccer, there is no pre-season, so our situation is particularly bad.  As of today, the record is zero wins, one tie,  and two losses (0-1-2 = ouch).  I don't know for sure, but I think if my team and I want to move up a division, we would have to win the rest of our games (which is a lot of pressure).  I also play up with an older team and their record is the same thing. :(  It's not that we are bad, we have tons of opportunities, we just can't seem to find the back of the net.  Of course, there are times when the defense (that's me) breaks down and the other team scores. Another problem is waiting too long in the game to get pumped up or have the right "mentality" of actually wanting to win rather than just not wanting to lose.  Hopefully, the next update will be happier.

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