
Friday, April 25, 2014


This week I had soccer everyday except today (Friday).  Monday was practice, Tuesday was a game, Wednesday was a game and Thursday was practice.

And guess what happened on Wednesday?

We won.

Whoops, I meant to say:


This was us.
GIF courtesy of Mashable

Ok, maybe not that crazy since most of us were tired from an intense game, but we were definitely excited, especially since we won 3-0.  One of my favorite moments (aside from the goal scoring) were the absolutely UH-MAZE-ING saves our keeper made.  Two times, this girl from the other team went head on with our goalie and BOTH times, our goalie saved it.  That other girl was sooooo mad, but obviously she couldn’t blame anyone but herself.  It just made watching her expression all the more enjoyable.  Now, usually I wouldn’t be so heartless towards another player, but this girl had such a nasty attitude about her.  Much to my delight, she got a well deserved yellow card from illegally taking out one of my teammates.  At first it was just a foul, but then she back sassed the referee and he pulled out the card.  As for me, I was like:
In my head of course ;)
GIF courtesy of Replygif
Unfortunately, it seems to be that this winning business comes with a price.  In my opinion the team we played was quite physical and we had to work really hard to prevent them from scoring, but I didn’t think so many of us would get seriously hurt.  (We had been doing so well keeping the thirteen-if-we’re-lucky-but-usually-it’s-eleven-or-twelve team of girls healthy and able to play.  I know, thirteen girls. What a full team, not.  In case you were wondering, yes, we do have to get two or three guest players each game.)

Here is a list of the injuries:
•One player got a concussion
•Another player got hit in the eye/head pretty badly ((I assume she got a concussion (and a black eye) but I haven’t heard any confirmation on her condition)
•Two people couldn’t participate in practice on Thursday due to (minor) leg and knee injuries

Four injuries may not seem like a lot, but considering we usually only have twelve (without guest players), that is very bad.

I hope at least two of them can play tomorrow for our next game.  Either way, we are kind of doomed just by missing two players (unless we get a lot of guest players, in which it is still hard to play with different players).  So now I ask myself, were these injuries worth the win?