
Friday, January 24, 2014

A Little Deodorant Should Do the Trick

As previously mentioned in my JV Annihilation post, (I know, that was a few months ago) my soccer team experienced some pretty interesting matches during the season.  One particular away game was against Union.  The field was out in the middle of nowhere, but still located near the mountains.  It was sunny, but not too hot, although it was a long bus ride.  JV was unloading and Varsity was warming up, when I heard the first cries of “Ok, guys, don’t sit on the ground; some bugs just bit me!” and “Ah, I think I just got bit by a mosquito!”  Soon, we were all being “attacked” by pesky blood suckers.  I, for one, do NOT like mosquitos; the bites can swell up to the size of a golf ball on me.

No one was expecting this; the only time I remember Utah being buggy was when I went camping in the summer.  Of course, no one had any bug spray, but we had to do something.  Then one girl recommended using deodorant (yep, that’s right, the stuff you apply to your armpits).  Apparently, if applied on a mosquito bite, it would suspend the itching sensation for a little while.  Uh, come again?  At first I was skeptical, but hey, it’s not like I had another idea.  I tried it out, rubbing it on a growing bump on my left hand.  It didn’t completely work for me (wearing off after around ten minutes), though it was better than nothing.  So all through both games I was trying to resist the itch on my left elbow or my right knee.  Not too fun while one is trying to do homework.  However, my other teammates were happy with the results, so I guess it was just me.

Thankfully, Varsity won their game and JV was up 8-0 at half time.  According to the Mercy Rule, if a team is winning by eight goals ten minutes into the second half, the game will end early.  Ten minutes into the second half, we were up 9-0 so the referee blew the final whistle.

We packed up, loaded the bus,  ate some pizza (delivered during our game) and settled in for a two hour ride.  Of course, most of the time, my numerous bug bites were not very pleasant.  When I got home I put some anti-itch gel on, much to my relief.  Much to my dismay, those darn mosquito bites lasted for a week.  Not cool.

Well, here is just a comical soccer meme.  It's not really related to the post, but I thought you might like it. :)
Image courtesy of Meme Center


  1. HAHAHA I love that picture! :D

  2. Thanks! You know, I think it was you who originally showed it to me! :)

  3. Man...we are REALLY weird. Thanks for the memory! :)

  4. I know right? And no prob! :)
