
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Immersed in Autumn

One of my favorite times of the year is fall.  Oh, that lovely season between late August and early November.  There is my birthday, school starting up (which I usually regret being excited for after the first three weeks), intense soccer season, along with an abundant release of new books.  Not to mention the beautiful foliage, and the cool, crisp air.  Perhaps, the most popular aspect (of the three that I focus on in my blog) is the numerous premiers of TV series.

It is also the busiest time.

With all this new material, I have a hard time keeping up with what’s new along with watching/reading the various shows and novels.  For simplicity’s sake, let’s begin with my favorite television series I’ll be following throughout the school year.  I am a huge fan of investigative shows such as NCIS and Hawaii Five-0.  These are the top two programs where I am exceptionally dedicated.  I just love them.  For teen shows I’ve taken a liking to animation.  Legend of Korra and Total Drama: All Stars are the comical dramas I will be watching and reviewing.

You’re probably wondering about my other topics, so here they are.  Soccer entries will likely be short, including the result of our games, how we played, and if anything interesting happened like a card.  I will post the opposing team’s name and whether the game was home or away.  If I remember, I’ll add who scored.  Book updates will come as long as I am reading.  I must admit that I LOVE to read, but school and soccer can sometimes be overwhelming.  As a result, free choice reading is low on my priority list.  Just a heads-up, my favorite genre is science-fiction/fantasy so much of what I read will fit into this category.  However, other genres will occasionally pop up.

Whew, now that the prelude is all taken care of, I can get on to the good stuff (in later posts of course).

Friday, September 20, 2013

An Introduction

Before I embarked on the adventure of blogging, I busied myself some with some research.  I looked at some blogs which focused on topics of my liking.  Most of the blogs I encountered were too cluttered or unable to be reached through the filter.  Instead, I  searched for people like authors and friends. So far, I’ve found three of which I am currently sticking with and have been inspired by.

First, Vero You Going is composed by my best friend, Sarah, who recently moved away.  Though I didn’t just pick this blog because of personal reasons.  The title is clever and unique.  She moved to a place called Vera Beach, hence, Vero You Going.  The voice in her writing is enjoyable and similar to her blog title, her post titles are creative and describe the blog entries perfectly.  Lastly she always includes at least one picture in every post.  This added appeal has inspired me to attempt to do the same with my blog.  Sarah may not post regularly, but when she does it is worth reading.

Second, Kiersten Writes is by the author: Kiersten White.  The beautiful style and color choice (in my opinion) immediately caught my eye.  I read her tag line “Giver of the world’s most awkward hugs” and I knew that this was a keeper.  As I dove deeper into her posts, the same humor was very apparent and greatly appreciated.  It just made the reading that much more amusing.  I doubt I’ll achieve even half of the comedy, but at least I can work on the visual aid in my blog.  Although I have yet to read one of her books, I am excited to see more of Kiersten’s writing.

 Third, I chose to follow one of my favorite youth authors, Rick Riordan on his blog Myth & Mystery.   I fell in love with “The Lightning Thief” years ago and have since been a huge fan of all his mythology books.  His blog’s style is pretty simple and plain.  Some might describe it as boring, but what I like about Rick’s posts are the frequent updates about events and book progress (being the book worm that I am.)  One of my goals is to provide regular posts whether it be updates, evaluations, or reviews on my topics.

Of course, I’ve listed other blogs (written by friends) such as Just Sayin’ and Pics, Flicks, and Books, but those are just like mine in that there’s not much to them yet.  Over time, I’m sure they’ll turn out fabulous.

The one thing I do like about these blogs, and one of the main reasons I chose them, is that they are super easy to navigate and I love how they are organized.  This is predominantly due to the fact that each of these people used Google’s Blogger.  I don’t know about you, but I really love the simplicity of Blogger and how one can easily customize their blog to fit their personality.